You can take the politician out of Washington…

October 24, 2012

But you can’t take Washington out of the politician. 

Here is a quick recap from yesterday. The DFL put up a new TV ad which was yanked from the airwaves for being grossly untrue. Coverage can be found here, here and here.

Now, Congressman Rick Nolan’s latest ad is being fact checked and it is found to be blatantly false receiving an “F” from KAAL-TV.

“In our Truth Test, we examined that claim by Nolan and gave the ad an “F” on our grading scale. Steven Schier, a Carleton College political science professor, says it’s unusual to show a candidate saying something like that.  “One of the candidates, into the camera, says something that is obviously factually incorrect,” says Schier.  “I’ve never seen that before. It’s extraordinary and a real problem for the Nolan campaign.” (KAAL-TV, 10.24.12)

What’s even more interesting is not only has Congressman Nolan said something that was completely untrue in this ad, he also broke his promise that he wouldn’t attack Cravaack’s family in this election. Looks like Congressman Nolan hasn’t forgotten his Washington insider ways where you say one thing but do another:

Congressman Nolan: No, I don’t intend to push him on that. I think families should be left out of politics. (WCCO-TV, June, 2012)

NRCC Statement: “Congressman Rick Nolan is still playing dirty politics like the good ol’ boys in Washington. If he thinks intentionally deceiving voters represents Minnesota values, he is sorely mistaken. Minnesota families can’t afford Rick Nolan’s career politician ways.” – NRCC Spokeswoman Katie Prill