Obama Smiles, America Frowns

January 18, 2013

President Obama is flashing a big smile in his brand-new official portrait unveiled this morning.

new official portrait

However, according to a new poll out this same day from The Hill, American voters aren’t quite as cheery.

“The president was reelected for another four years by a relatively comfortable margin, but 39 percent of likely voters say his first four years were worse than expected, compared to just 18 percent who say he exceeded expectations. Forty-one percent of those polled said his first term went as expected.

“The president assumed office in the midst of one of the worst financial meltdowns in U.S. history, and those polled are still feeling the ensuing recession’s impact four years later. On the economic front, 42 percent say they are worse off now than when Obama first took office, compared to 26 percent who say they are better off.

“Respondents are not significantly more optimistic about the next four years, either.

“Sixty percent say they do not expect to make major economic strides during Obama’s second term, compared to just 38 percent who expect to be better off in 2016.”

Four years later, it’s clear President Obama’s policies have failed and the middle class has been left holding the bag. He and his liberal allies are bankrupting this country with reckless fiscal policies. We need to stand up to them and tell them our country has a spending problem. Sign our petition at www.nrcc.org/spending.