Polling Memo: Lessons on Health Care

January 25, 2013

NYT/CBS: Lessons on Health Care

The end of February will mark four years since President Obama embarked on the long controversial journey to health care reform, resulting in what we now know as ObamaCare.

To refresh our memory, let’s take a quick look back.

In March 2010, the law was rammed through Congress when the Senate passed their own version of the bill with a simple majority.  Two days later, Obama signed the bill into law.  In November 2011, the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled parts of the law unconstitutional.  In March 2012, ObamaCare eventually made its way to the Supreme Court where it was debated, and in June 2012, upheld and ruled as Constitutional.1  On January 1st, 2013, more parts of ObamaCare were implemented, including a new medical device tax.

Today, four years later, after all that, nearly two-thirds of Americans believe by the end of Obama’s second term in office, the health care system will NOT be better off, with 38% saying it will actually be worse.  Oh, and 52% still want repeal.



POLLSTER: CBS/New York Times

DATE: Conducted 1/11-15/2013

SAMPLE: Sampled 1,110 Adults; MoE ±3.0%


1Heathcare Timeline: http://www.cnn.com/2012/06/28/politics/supreme-court-health-timeline/index.html; http://www.healthcare.gov/law/timeline/#event13-pane