Raul Ruiz Joins the ‘Dark Side’
In case you missed it, Nancy Pelosi’s House Majority PAC has released a video in which several Democratic members of Congress are expressing thanks for some Super PAC love – as in millions of dollars in negative advertising love.
This is unprecedented: Despite being barred from coordinating with SUPER PACS, Raul Ruiz and other sitting members of Congress are now cutting ads thanking Nancy Pelosi’s SUPER PAC for helping them get elected.
In fact, listening to Ruiz talk about “recruiting the team to fight the Death Star” and how “we fought back” sounds a little too close to coordination for the law’s liking. Despite campaigning against a broken Washington, Ruiz was more than happy to become part of the problem once he arrived.
And did you notice that he’s wearing his Congressional pin?
So much for fighting against a “broken Washington.”
NRCC COMMENT: “Raul Ruiz proudly talks of how ‘his team’ – House Majority PAC – helped him fight ‘Darth Vader’ and ‘the Death Star.’ The irony here is that in becoming a very part of the ‘broken Washington’ against which he campaigned, Ruiz has fully embraced the dark side.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior