10 Things You May (Or May Not) Know About Abraham Lincoln on His 204th Birthday

February 12, 2013

Here are ten things you may (or may not) know about Abraham Lincoln.

1. Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809. Today would be his 204th birthday.

(Photo: Intercollegiate Studies Institute)

2. Lincoln was the first Republican to be inaugurated as President in 1861.

(Photo: Wikipedia)

3. Although some might know him for his exploits as a vampire hunter:

(Photo: moviecitynews.com)

4. Or his car company:

(Photo: Yahoo! Autos)

 5. Or his band:

(Photo: Amazon.com)

6. He is best known for making the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves in the South during the Civil War.

(Photo: National Archives)

7. His famous Gettysburg Address at the dedication of Soldiers’ National Cemetery was only a few minutes long.

(Photo: Wikipedia)


8. During his run for Illinois’s U.S. Senate seat, Abraham Lincoln and Stephen Douglas had several lengthy debates known as the Lincoln-Douglas Debates.

(Photo: Wikipedia)


9. And while Lincoln’s life was cut short due to his early demise…

(Photo: USF.edu)

10. …His legacy lives on through the Republican Party, which enjoys its second-largest Majority in the U.S. House since World War Two:

(Photo: WSJ.com)