Obama’s Budget Is Finally Out And It’s Got More Gimmicks Than A 2 A.M. Infomercial
Two Months Late, The President’s Budget Never Balances
President Obama is finally ready to propose his budget and it’s got more gimmicks than a 2am infomercial.
Completing the liberal trifecta, President Obama’s budget—like the Democrat versions in the House and Senate—never balances, raises taxes, and includes more spending.
Though President Obama will claim that this proposal is a compromise, the math just doesn’t add up. In fact, the White House has already admitted its budget never balances.
House Republicans remain the only ones in Washington to propose and pass a plan that balances our budget, creates jobs, and protects Medicare and Social Security.
White House Senior Adviser Dan Pfeiffer Admitted That President Obama’s Budget Will Never Balance. “President Obama will not propose a balanced budget in the new fiscal 2014 spending plan that he’ll submit to Congress next week, a White House official said Wednesday. White House senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer said the budget will reduce deficits by an unspecified amount, but it won’t achieve balance like the spending plan that has been approved by House Republicans.” (Dave Boyer, “Aide: Deficits To Endure In Obama’s Planned New Budget,” The Washington Times, 4/3/13)
President Obama’s Budget Will Include $580 Billion In New Taxes. “The main deficit reduction elements of the plan incorporate an offer Obama made to Boehner in December when both sought to avoid automatic, across-the-board spending cuts and broad tax increases. Obama’s plan includes $580 billion in new taxes that Republicans oppose.” (Jim Kuhnhenn, “Obama: Budget Not ‘Ideal’ But Has ‘Tough Reforms,’” The Associated Press, 4/6/13)
The Budget Proposal Would Only Cut $600 Billion From The Deficit. “The White House said the budget would include $1.8 trillion in deficit-reduction measures, but about $1.2 trillion of it will be used to replace the across-the-board spending cuts that began March 1, known as the sequester. That means the deficit would drop just $600 billion more over 10 years than under current law.” (Janet Hook And Colleen McCain Nelson, “Obama Budget Draws Fire,” The Wall Street Journal, 4/5/13)
President Obama’s Budget Proposes More Spending. “Scheduled for release at 11:15 a.m., the White House request would increase spending in 2014 by nearly $160 billion beyond what the CBO projected in February — a product both of canceling the sequester and Obama’s new spending initiatives.” (George Cahlinik, “Budget Tracker Briefing: Obama Seeks More Revenue, New Spending,” CQ, 4/10/13)
President Obama’s Budget Is Over Two Months Late. “Obama is submitting his budget two months late, after aides scrambled to deal with the end-of-year “fiscal cliff” and then the March 1 deadline for sequestration.” (Zachary A. Goldfarb and Karen Tumulty, “Obama Budget Would Cut Entitlements In Exchange For Tax Increases,” The Washington Post, 4/5/13)