DeFazio’s Washington Doublespeak: “I didn’t vote for it or enable it in any way.”
In a story from today’s Lebanon Express, Democratic Congressman Peter DeFazio tried to mislead voters by claiming he played no role in President Obama’s Sequester:
“It’s a stupid way to cut the budget. I didn’t vote for it or enable it in any way.” – Lebanon Express, 4/10/13
Here is how Peter DeFazio very much enabled the Sequester:
– He voted against not one, but two replacement bills
– He voted against a bill that would have replaced the Sequester for Defense only
– And he voted against the year-end fiscal cliff deal that would have postponed the Sequester for two months
“Peter DeFazio’s latest attempt to distance himself from the President’s Sequester is nothing more than Washington doublespeak. The rhetoric and reality simply don’t line up.” – NRCC Spokeswoman, Alleigh Marré