Democratic Senator Calls Obamacare “A Huge Train Wreck”

April 17, 2013

Montana Senator Max Baucus provided yet another indictment of Obamacare’s implementation today, calling it “a huge train wreck coming down.”

He went even further criticizing HHS Kathleen Sebelius and the Obama Administration’s outreach efforts, saying people “have no idea what to do, what to expect.”

This is just another criticism from a Democratic senator in recent days. One week ago, West Virginia Senator Jay Rockefeller said the law was “beyond comprehension.

Even Democrats are admitting that the implementation of this disastrous law has been seriously flawed…and it’s only going to get worse with time.

In the coming weeks and months, this government takeover of healthcare will be implemented and Americans will see this law for what it really is: a bureaucratic nightmare that raises healthcare costs and puts the government between you can your doctor.

I can hear the train coming already…