Part-Time Work In A Full-Time World

April 22, 2013

ObamaCare has thrown yet another hurdle in the way of millions of Americans searching for meaningful, well-paying jobs. Starting next year, employers with 50 or more full-time employees will be required to provide health insurance for each employee, or pay a hefty penalty of $2,000 per person.


jobs wantedWith higher taxes and skyrocketing health care costs already burdening employers across the country, this employer mandate is just another incentive for companies and businesses to cut hours, stop hiring and ultimately distance themselves from their employee’s needs and job requirements.


This employer apprehension and uncertainty of costs as ObamaCare goes into effect has created a part-time job market, where over 7.6 million people are searching for full-time work but landing in part-time gigs.


That’s a stark contrast to the less than 4.6 million Americans who were working part-time jobs in 2007.


In a recent New York Times article this increase is addressed, and it’s clear that ObamaCare’s new burdensome regulations has created quite a negative trickle-down effect.


“There’s nothing inherently wrong with people taking part-time jobs if they want them,” said Diane Swonk, chief economist at Mesirow Financial in Chicago. “The problem is that people are accepting part-time pay because they have no other choice.”

Paul Dales, senior United States economist for Capital Economics, said, “There is another reason to believe that part-time employment will stay higher for longer, namely the incentives to employ part-time workers created by Obama’s health care reforms.”

In this struggling economy, a smaller work force is not the answer. ObamaCare is hurting jobs, hurting businesses, and hurting growth nationwide.


Do you have a story of how ObamaCare is affecting you and your family? Share it with us here.


Part-Time Work Becomes Full-Time Wait for Better Job.” (By Catherine Rampell, The New York Times. 4/19/13)