RECRUITING WRECKAGE: California Democrats are taking on water

May 16, 2013

CaptainSteveThings are really starting to fall apart for California Democrats as the Party infighting reaches new levels this week in California’s 31st District:

  1. Former Congressman Joe Baca attacks National Democrats after being abandoned by the Party
  2. Eloise Reyes is backed formally by the special interest group EMILY’s List
  3. and Pete Aguilar is embraced for the DCCC’s Jumpstart Program despite his embarrassing inability to make it out of the primary in 2012

 “Attacks are growing more personal between the Democratic candidates as they fight among themselves to prove who is most liberal. Whether it be washed up Congressman Joe Baca, special interest pick Eloise Reyes, or the failed candidate and Washington’s choice Pete Aguilar, we are confident that the Democratic nominee will be decidedly in step with the far left and out of touch with California families.” – NRCC Spokeswoman, Alleigh Marré

Here’s what’s being said about the Democrats RECRUITING WRECKAGE in California:

“This race is one of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s biggest regrets from 2012. This EMILY’s List support could complicate Democratic plans.” (Roll Call)

“And it [Baca’s candidacy] has sent shivers up the spines of Democratic leaders, who worry that the former congressman’s entrance could doom their effort to pick up a seat they’re eyeing as part of a broader quest to regain control of the House.” (Politico)

“…but a primary with three organized candidates has to make Democrats nervous.” (Roll Call)

“With several Democrats already in the race, there’s worry that Baca’s entry will further splinter the party’s vote share…” (Politico)

And TRASH TALK among the candidates is heating up too…

“’I would hope he [Joe Baca] wouldn’t do something that would cause us to lose this seat again,’ said Eric Bauman, the Los Angeles County Democratic Party chairman. ‘It’s a very disconcerting situation. It is what it is.’” (Politico)

“Democratic leaders are eyeing the former congressman [Baca] warily.” (Politico)

“But Aguilar has already come under attack from former Rep. Joe Baca, who lost his congressional seat last fall to fellow Democrat Gloria Negrete McLeod. She’s backing Aguilar in his bid for Miller’s seat.” (Sacramento Bee)

“Baca said the DCCC is ‘definitely making a mistake’ backing Aguilar ‘and they know that.’” (Politico)

“The fact that Aguilar failed to even make the runoff against Miller last year shows he’s a less viable candidate, Baca argued. During that race, Baca endorsed Aguilar in the primary, before supporting Miller over Dutton in the general election.” (Politico)

“’The DCCC is good in the Beltway. But they don’t know what’s going on here,’ he [Baca] said. ‘They didn’t make a good evaluation of the race.’” (Politico)