Ann Kirkpatrick’s Got Some Ocean Front Property For Us In Arizona

May 22, 2013

I hope George Strait gets a chance to read Ann Kirkpatrick’s guest column today in the Arizona Daily Star, where she very humbly pats herself on the back for being “bipartisan.”

“I won’t hesitate to oppose my own party or the president when it’s right for my district.”

Sure, Ann.

A look at some of her recent votes:

  • Voted for Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House
  • Voted to keep her cherished ObamaCare (Roll Call #154, 5/16/13)
  • Voted against a balanced budget that bans taxpayer-funded first class travel for Members of Congress (Roll Call #88, 3/20/13)

Of course, that’s when Kirkpatrick actually shows up to vote.

Kirkpatrick’s claims of standing up to her own party belong in the same category as advertisements for ocean front property in Arizona – sounds good but in reality, it’s just a mirage.

Oh, and now that you’ve got the song stuck in your head, might-as-well play it for your coworkers:

Ann Kirkpatrick for Congress