John Tierney should step down from House Oversight Committee
Is it time for John Tierney to retire? After all, he isn’t doing much for his taxpayer-funded $174,000 salary these days.
Back in March, he walked out of a committee hearing when he didn’t get his way.
Then on Wednesday, while Tierney’s fellow delegation member Steve Lynch used his position on the House Oversight Committee to demand that the I.R.S. provide answers or face a special prosecutor, ethically-challenged Congressman John Tierney asked no questions and excused himself from the hearing.
If John Tierney can’t exercise oversight over the I.R.S., he should not be on the House Oversight Committee. It’s really that simple.
NRCC Comment: “John Tierney owes his constituents an explanation as to why he excused himself in the middle of a Congressional hearing on the I.R.S.’s targeting of citizens for their political beliefs. If Tierney doesn’t believe that this is an important matter that deserves his attention, he should immediately remove himself from the Committee on Oversight & Government reform and give serious thought to finding a job where attendance is optional.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior