Case Solved? Will More House Dems Look To Sweep IRS Scandal Under The Rug?

June 10, 2013

One Democrat Says Case Should Wrap Up, Yet We’re Just Getting Answers

WASHINGTON – There are some in the Democratic Party who would do anything to get the IRS scandal off the front pages, so the scandal-ridden government agency can continue to have a “dominant role” in ObamaCare. Last week, Democrat Congressman Jim McDermott blamed the victims and over the weekend, Congressman Elijah Cummings, the highest-ranking Democrat on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said the IRS scandal is “solved” and it’s time to “wrap [the investigation] up.”

Some House Democrats may believe that we should push this scandal aside, but the American people deserve answers. It’s time for House Democrats to speak out and condemn their colleagues’ attempts to shut down this important investigation.

“Between claiming the case is closed and blaming the victims of this serious scandal, Democrats are trying to sweep this under the rug,” said NRCC Communications Director Andrea Bozek. “House Democrats should ensure that IRS officials are held accountable and condemn those in their party who’d prefer to look the other way.”


The IRS Will Have A “Dominant Role” In ObamaCare, Even Determining Who Will Get Included In Mandate. “Get ready for the Internal Revenue Service to play a dominant role in health care. When Obamacare takes full effect next year, the agency will enforce most of the laws involved in the reform—even deciding who gets included in the health-care mandate.” (Mark Koba, “When It Comes to Health-Care Reform, the IRS Rules,” CNBC, 5/6/13)

Last Week, Jim McDermott Scolded The Victims Of The IRS Scandal, Saying They Brought The IRS Scrutiny On Themselves. “If you didn’t come in and ask for this tax break, you would have never had a question asked of you.” (Rep. Jim McDermott, Ways and Means Committee Hearing, 6/4/13)

Yesterday, On CNN’s State Of The Union, Rep. Elijah Cummings Said The Investigation Into The IRS Scandal Is “Solved.” “‘I think this interview and these statements go a long way … showing that the White House was not involved in this,’ Cummings said on CNN’s ‘State of the Union,’ adding: ‘Based upon everything I’ve seen the case is solved. And if it were me, I would wrap this case up and move on, to be frank with you.’” (Aaron Blake, “Elijah Cummings: ‘Case Is Solved’ On IRS,” The Washington Post, 6/9/13)