The ObamaCare Train Wreck Continues…

July 3, 2013

Another day, another ObamaCare disaster for the Obama Administration. It seems that they have finally figured out what all of us already knew – the law and its impending implantation is going to be a train wreck.19thomas-600

This time, they have now officially delayed the employer mandate portion of the law, which requires employers across the country to provide health care for each of their employees, or else pay a penalty.

This mandate has caused mass confusion since its announcement, and has been the cause for employer and employee anxiety and frustration over hours worked, day to day expenses and how many employees a business can afford under the new health care requirements.

The real issue here is that if the employer mandate continues to be delayed, employers may altogether refuse to offer insurance to their employees. This would mean that potentially thousands of Americans would be forced to insure themselves, and would be facing high premiums and tougher access to health care within their exchange.

This is shaping up to be a complete disaster. Excited yet?

President Obama, we hate to say it, but…we told you so.