Congressman Kelly Discusses Republicans’ IRS Oversight That Democrats Won’t Do
Yesterday’s revelation that the IRS posted thousands of Social Security numbers onto its website is only the latest embarrassment for an agency that has been riddled with numerous scandals over the last few months.
Breitbart News spoke with Congressman Mike Kelly (R-PA) to discuss the House Republicans’ ongoing investigation into the IRS. The Republican majority is providing the necessary oversight of the IRS that the Democrats in the House just don’t want to do. After all, remember when Democrat Congressman Elijah Cummings told us it was time to “move on” from the IRS scandal because the issue was “solved?”
House Republicans like Congressman Kelly are making sure the IRS is being held accountable for its inexcusable data leaks.
“Especially what we’ve seen happening now with the data collection and the depth to which the data collection is going,” Kelly said. “Who is getting this information? There were donor lists that were leaked out. Highly, highly sensitive and private information was leaked out.”
Kelly said the House Ways and Means Committee has had many whistleblowers and tipsters come forward with information and leads, but committee staff and members need to follow each one through to its end before coming out with any more information.
“There’s a lot more to come,” Kelly said.
Check out Breitbart News’ full interview with Rep. Mike Kelly here.