Just More Words: 12 Million Americans Out Of Work Want Jobs, Not More Speeches
July 23, 2013
Tomorrow’s speech is merely the latest from a president who is out of ideas and ready to pay more lip service to job creation.
The almost 12 million Americans out of work don’t need more speeches, Mr. President. They need real pro-growth policies that will strengthen the middle class and create jobs.
The country awaits his next “pivot” to jobs and the economy, currently scheduled for a few short months from now.
The Wall Street Journal: “Obama Aims to Shift Focus To Boosting Jobs, Economy.” (Peter Nicholas, “Obama Aims to Shift Focus To Boosting Jobs, Economy,” The Wall Street Journal, 7/21/13)
11.8 Million Americans Are Unemployed And The Current Unemployment Rate Is 7.6 Percent. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed On 7/22/13)