Just More Words: 12 Million Americans Out Of Work Want Jobs, Not More Speeches

July 23, 2013

  • Tomorrow’s speech is merely the latest from a president who is out of ideas and ready to pay more lip service to job creation.

  • The almost 12 million Americans out of work don’t need more speeches, Mr. President. They need real pro-growth policies that will strengthen the middle class and create jobs.

  • The country awaits his next “pivot” to jobs and the economy, currently scheduled for a few short months from now.




The Wall Street Journal: “Obama Aims to Shift Focus To Boosting Jobs, Economy.” (Peter Nicholas, “Obama Aims to Shift Focus To Boosting Jobs, Economy,” The Wall Street Journal, 7/21/13)

11.8 Million Americans Are Unemployed And The Current Unemployment Rate Is 7.6 Percent. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed On 7/22/13)