ObamaCare Killing Coverage For Working Spouses
ObamaCare has been sacking schools, killing jobs, and even missing legal deadlines. But as Democrats continue to defend their disastrous health law, the ObamaCare train wreck hurtles on, this time hurting working spouses.
According to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, businesses struggling to stay afloat amid ObamaCare’s higher taxes and red tape are beginning to adjust to the new costs by dropping coverage for their employees’ wives and husbands.
From the Tribune-Review:
“A growing number of companies are looking to clamp down on rising health care costs by dumping coverage for their employees’ working spouses.
“Others are requiring their workers to pay extra money to cover a spouse who could get health insurance elsewhere. And some may even consider making employees pay the full cost of insuring their children.
“The moves are viewed as low-hanging fruit for companies that are expecting higher costs next year under the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.
“‘We’re seeing costs going up,’ said J.T. Shilling, a benefits consultant who runs the Pittsburgh office of consulting firm Mercer. ‘Taxes, fees, more enrollment are driving up costs, and employers are looking for ways to reduce costs. And this is a pretty easy one.'”
While House Democrats continue to ignore ObamaCare’s blatant negative effects, House Republicans remain dedicated to protecting the American people from the law’s higher taxes, bigger government, and costly regulations.