HHS Employees To Use Webinar, Brown Bag Lunch To Understand Law
It’s time to count employees of the department implementing ObamaCare as among those who don’t understand the disastrous healthcare law.
Politico is reporting today that HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius emailed department employees offering a webinar or brown bag lunch to learn about the healthcare law they are in charge of.
From Politico Pulse:
“HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius acknowledged yesterday that some in her agency might not know much about the health care law if they don’t work on it every day. In an agency-wide email on Monday, she summarized the law’s basic components and invited employees to sign up for a webinar about the health insurance marketplaces. They can also attend a brown bag lunch where HHS staffers explain the law, she wrote. “I recognize the hard work that many of you have put into implementing the law for the last several years, but I realize that many of you don’t work on the law’s implementation directly every day, or at all,” the email says.”
Remember, the exchanges start on October 1st and the Obama administration has already cut short training for ObamaCare’s “navigators.” Now, they’re finally getting around to actually informing HHS employees on the law. Just another reason how ObamaCare’s implementation has been nothing short of an absolute debacle.