ObamaCare Breeding Confusion For Business
Not only is the ObamaCare train wreck hurting small businesses with higher taxes, bigger costs, burdensome regulations, and sticky red tape – but the health law is so complex that many businesses can’t even be sure which parts of the law apply to them.
The Washington Post this morning went into detail over just how confusing and complex ObamaCare is becoming for businesses trying to navigate their way through the big government maze.
From the Washington Post:
“The legislation features a number of requirements and exclusions that apply only to small businesses; however, the new rules rely on different measures to determine which firms are considered “small,” and several are scheduled to fluctuate in the years ahead.
“Some say the inconsistency adds an unnecessary layer of complexity to the law, confusing many employers and making it difficult to gauge the legislation’s impact on Main Street.
‘”It leads to a lot of head scratching and heartburn for business owners,’ Kevin Kuhlman, manager of legislative affairs at the National Federation of Independent Business, said in an interview. The varying definitions make ‘it difficult for employers to know which of changes and requirements apply to them.'”
House Republicans know that the thousands of pages of ObamaCare’s rules are not the solution to solving our soaring health care costs or growing our economy. A full repeal of the law, and replacing it with commonsense solutions, is the only way to keep health costs low for Americans and protect small businesses from unfair and burdensome regulations.