Out of Control? Obama’s EPA Set Up Fake Email Accounts
ObamaCare and higher taxes haven’t been the only ones to blame for the nation’s weak economic recovery – President Obama’s liberal agenda with his Environmental Protection Agency deserves its fair share of the blame as well.
Under Obama’s and his liberal allies’ leadership, the EPA has been transformed into a job-killing outlet for their Big Government agenda.
In fact, according to a new report, the Agency is so secretive in its dealings that it set up a fake email account for the former EPA Administrator, with an “alias identity,” to hide many of its actions.
From the Washington Examiner:
“‘The agency established an alias identity to hide the actions of the former administrator; has purposefully been unresponsive to FOIA request, oftentimes redacting information the public has a right to know; and mismanaged its electronic records system such that federal records have been jeopardized,’ the report said.
“‘Moreover, EPA’s leadership abandoned the historic model of a specialized public servant who seeks to fairly administer the law and has instead embraced a number of controversial tactics to advance a secretive agenda,’ the report said.
“In addition to multiple abuses of the FOIA, the Senate report claims EPA officials have sought to cover up such activities when challenged by congressional oversight officials.
“‘As Congress has raised questions about EPA’s lack of transparency, the agency has steadfastly ignored its constitutional obligation to subject itself to congressional oversight, apparently in an effort to prevent the public from knowing what is going on behind closed doors,’ the report said.
“The “alias identity” referred to by the report was the official government email account for “Richard Windsor” that was used by former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson.”
The American people already know it – it’s time that President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and their liberal allies in Congress realize that their Environmental Protection Agency is out of control. While House Democrats continue to turn the other check to the EPA’s job-killing agenda, House Republicans are committed to restoring transparency to the Agency and enacting a pro-growth agenda that will benefit all Americans.