Paying for Obamacare with Care Bear Hugs?
Am I reading this right? Bill Owens wants House leadership to take up a repeal of the medical device tax?
Okay, let’s make a few things clear. Bill Owens voted for the medical device tax and he just voted to defund the government unless Obamacare was FULLY implemented.
So how exactly does Owens think we are funding Obamacare?! By selling pixie dust and Care Bear Hugs?
No Bill, it is paid for by taxes like the medical device tax, something that you voted to put in place and repeatedly vote to keep in place.
NRCC Comment: “Bill Owens is the quintessential Washington D.C. Democrat. He voted to put in place the devastating medical device tax, has repeatedly voted to keep in place, and then tries to convince voters otherwise. Facts are stubborn things and so is Owens’s voting record – he has no one to blame for the medical device tax but himself.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior