Government Shutdown? IL Dem Rep. Cheri Bustos doesn’t care! She wants to get PAID!
We are in the middle of a government shutdown and what is Illinois Democrat Rep. Cheri Bustos worried about?
After repeatedly casting her vote against several continuing resolutions which would fund the government before the shutdown, Cheri Bustos is now letting Illinois families know that she thinks she deserves a paycheck while her constituents go without.
“Rep. Cheri Bustos, D-East Moline, whose district includes Whiteside County, apparently will take her pay.
During a telephone news conference Tuesday, a reporter repeatedly asked Bustos whether she would take her paycheck during the shutdown, but she wouldn’t give a yes-or-no answer.
She kept referring to her support of the No Budget, No Pay Act, which would mean no pay for representatives if Congress fails to enact a budget. But she noted that the Constitution bars any measures from affecting members’ pay during their current terms in office.”
It would be interesting to hear what Illinois families in the 17th District think about Congresswoman Bustos thinking it is okay for her to collect a paycheck while not doing her job.
Just FYI – Cheri could get on H.R. 3160, the Government Shutdown Fairness Act which would ensure members are not paid during the shutdown.
It’s shameful that while Illinois families go without, Congresswoman Cheri Bustos thinks it’s ok to collect her taxpayer-funded paycheck after voting against funding the government. It’s obvious Cheri has been spending too much time in Washington when she thinks she’s above the people she represents.