Obama Threatens To Veto FEMA Funding Then Tells FEMA Workers Their Jobs Have Been “Made More Difficult.”
President Obama recently threatened to veto a bill, passed by the House GOP, that would immediately restore funding for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, in order to ensure Americans have access to emergency responders in the case of a disaster.
Today, Obama visited furloughed employees at FEMA’s National Response Coordination Center, thanking them for their work last week and acknowledging their jobs have been “made more difficult” while lambasting Congress for refusing to pass a “clean” CR.
.@BarackObama speaks to workers just now at #FEMA pic.twitter.com/4sBAzGIEJb
— Josh Lederman (@joshledermanAP) October 7, 2013
It’s ironic that President Obama would tell the same employees who’s funding he has threatened to veto that Congress has made their lives “more difficult.” While House Republicans have reaffirmed their commitment to getting vital parts of the government, like FEMA’s responders, opened up and back to work, it is in fact Obama and the Democrats who continue to make their lives “more difficult” by playing politics and scoring cheap points with the government shutdown.