Ceiling? Let’s Try A Table: White House Would Rather Default On Debt Than Sit Down With Republicans

October 8, 2013

  • The past few days, the White House has repeatedly refused to sit down with Republicans over the debt ceiling—an absurd position that flies in the face of decades of historical precedent.

  • This tone coming from the White House is not only belligerent, it is downright scary.

  • It’s sickening that they’re willing to default on our debt and tank our economy, just so that they don’t have to negotiate with Congress.

  • The White House should stop playing games with our nation’s full faith and credit and work with House Republicans to find solutions that will solve our fiscal crisis.


obama shouldn't have to offer


Associated Press: “Confrontational” Obama “Not Budging” On Debt Ceiling Stance. “This time, President Barack Obama says, he’s not budging. This is the confrontational Obama, the “Make my day” president, betting Republicans blink to avoid a government shutdown or a first-ever default of the nation’s debts.” (Jim Kuhnhenn, “Obama’s no-negotiation stance setting new tone,” Associated Press, 9/27/13)

Speaker John Boehner Said President Obama Is Risking Default By Refusing To Negotiate With Republicans. “We’re not going to pass a clean debt limit increase. I told the president, there’s no way we’re going to pass one. The votes are not in the House to pass a clean debt limit and the president is risking default by not having a conversation with us.” (ABC News’ “This Week,” 10/6/13)

TIME Magazine: “Obama Aides: Negotiating With Republicans Makes Default More Likely” (TIME Magazine, 10/7/13)

Presidents Of Both Parties Have Negotiated With Congress And Coupled Spending Reforms With Debt Ceiling Increases. “President Obama says he will oppose any effort this fall by Congress to attach spending cuts and reforms to a debt limit increase.  This stance puts the president at odds with the approach taken by his predecessors, Democratic and Republican alike.  Coupling efforts to reduce America’s debt and deficit with increases in the debt limit is a common-sense policy that has been used under Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton – and, most recently, President Obama himself.” (“Presidents Reagan, Clinton, Bush 41 All Coupled Debt Limit Increases With Spending Cuts & Reforms,” Office Of Speaker John Boehner, 9/11/13)

President Obama On The Shutdown And Debt Ceiling: “I Shouldn’t Have To Offer Anything.” “President Obama says in a new interview with NPR that he doesn’t feel the need to compromise on anything when it comes to the budget and debt ceiling debates. ‘I shouldn’t have to offer anything,’ he said.” (Aaron Blake, “Obama: ‘I Shouldn’t Have To Offer Anything,’” Washington Post, 9/30/13)