NRCC Launches Paid Banner Ads Against House Democrats

October 10, 2013

Ads Highlight Democrats’ Votes Against Women and Children, Veterans, and FEMA Funding


WASHINGTON – The National Republican Congressional Committee is launching a series of paid banner ads today against six House Democrats who have voted against crucial funding during President Obama’s shutdown. The ads will run in each Member’s district, and will highlight a particular vote that the Member took denying funding to WIC, NIH, veterans benefits, or FEMA.

The ads will run against the following Members:

John Barrow (GA-12)
Tim Bishop (NY-01)
Julia Brownley (CA-26)
Bill Enyart (IL-12)
Collin Peterson (MN-07)
Nick Rahall (WV-03)

barrow banner ad

brownley banner ad

enyart banner ad

bishop banner ad

peterson banner ad

rahall banner ad

“These Democrats have turned their backs on low-income women and children, veterans, and FEMA funding – all due to their inability to put partisan politics aside,” said NRCC Communications Director Andrea Bozek. “It’s time they were held accountable for their irresponsible votes and their decision to deny funding to the individuals that need it the most.”


The House Voted to Fund Nutrition Assistance For Low-Income Women And Children. (H.J.Res. 75, Roll Call #524, 10/4/13)

The House Voted to Fund Veterans’ Programs During the Government Shutdown.  (H.J.Res. 72, Roll Call #518, 10/3/13)

The House Voted to Provide Funding for FEMA During the Government Shutdown. (H.J. Res 85, Roll Call #522, 10/4/13)

The House Voted To Fund National Park Operations. (H.J. 70, Roll Call #513, 10/2/13)