9 Things President Obama Might Have Been Doing While ObamaCare Was Falling Apart
October 23, 2013
As HealthCare.gov and the ObamaCare mothership continue to fall apart over glitches, errors, and failures, President Obama insists he is angry and doing all he can to fix the system.
But Americans are rightfully asking: the White House had three years to prepare for the ObamaCare rollout, so why wasn’t the website ready to launch? Was President Obama really that unaware of what was going on with his signature legislative “achievement?”
We did some digging, and found 10 things that President Obama might have been doing while ObamaCare and HealthCare.gov were falling apart.
1. Having brunch with Hillary Clinton.
2. Having cupcakes with Senator Claire McCaskill on Air Force One.
3. Playing golf.
4. Playing basketball.
5. Playing football.
6. Playing with babies.
7. Sampling fudge.
8. Biking.
9. Going on long walks.