NRCC Radio Ad: With ObamaCare Rollout Crashing, We Can’t Trust Ann Kirkpatrick to Fix Things

October 24, 2013

Radio Buy Targets Women Voters With Message About Kirkpatrick Protecting Her Healthcare Subsidy

WASHINGTON – The rollout of ObamaCare has been an epic disaster, and a new National Republican Congressional Committee radio ad highlights Ann Kirkpatrick’s role in the “train wreck” that is ObamaCare.

The ad, released today and targeted towards women voters in Kirkpatrick’s district, focused on her vote to keep her special ObamaCare subsidies while her constituents are stuck footing the bill. To make things worse, Arizona residents are also facing rising premiums and a website that is nothing short of a fiasco.

“Women in Arizona are sick and tired of Washington politicians like Ann Kirkpatrick getting taxpayer-funded healthcare, while they’re stuck with a disastrous ObamaCare website and rising premiums for their families,” said NRCC Communications Director Andrea Bozek. “This targeted radio buy allows us to speak directly to women, during the broadcasts they listen to, about how Kirkpatrick is using their money to pay for her own Cadillac coverage.”

To Listen To The Ad, Click Here:



VOICEOVER 1:  This is so frustrating.  I’m trying to sign up for the new government healthcare program and it just won’t work.

VOICEOVER 2:  A lot of folks are having trouble with that.

VOICEOVER 1:  They spent 500 million of our tax dollars to build it, and it won’t work.

VOICEOVER 2:  And if you’re facing all these issues just signing up, imagine how difficult it could be to get medical care. Finding a doctor’s appointment will be a nightmare. And have you looked into how much your insurance premiums will rise?

VOICEOVER 1: I haven’t. Maybe I’ll call my Congressman, Ann Kirkpatrick and ask for help.

VOICEOVER 2: She’s part of the problem! Kirkpatrick voted to keep special subsidies for Members of Congress.

VOICEOVER 1: Ann Kirkpatrick did?

VOICEOVER 2: Yep, Ann Kirkpatrick is using our tax dollars to fund her healthcare benefits.

VOICEOVER 1:  That’s not right.

VOICEOVER 2: Typical Washington.  Kirkpatrick protects her healthcare while our costs go up.

VOICEOVER 1:  Maybe you should call her too.

VOICEOVER 2: Oh, I will. We all should. Call Ann Kirkpatrick at 928-213-9977. Tell her we’re sick of paying for her taxpayer-funded healthcare.

VOICEOVER 3: The National Republican Congressional Committee paid for and is responsible for the content of this advertising. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. www-dot-NRCC-dot-org


Ann Kirkpatrick Voted To Keep A Taxpayer-Funded ObamaCare Subsidy For Members Of Congress. (H.J Res. 59, Roll Call Vote #504, 228-201, 9/30/13)

Health And Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius Admitted That Obamacare Will Raise Health Insurance Premiums. “Some people purchasing new insurance policies for themselves this fall could see premiums rise because of requirements in the health-care law, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told reporters Tuesday.” (Louise Radnofsky, “Sebelius: Some Could See Insurance Premiums Rise,” The Wall Street Journal, 3/26/13)

ObamaCare’s Exchange Website Has Been Plagued By Repeated “Crashes” and “Slow Response Times.” “The website has been mired in problems since going live Oct. 1, including crashes, slow response times and failing to allow customers to complete the online process by purchasing health insurance.” (“Administration responding to pressure for answers on messy ObamaCare site,” FOX News, 10/21/13)

The Site Has Cost Triple The Original Estimate. “The government contract for the company that built the glitch-prone website for Obamacare has ballooned to three times its original cost, and some Republicans are demanding the resignation of the cabinet secretary who oversees it.”  (Tom Costello and Erin McClam, “Obamacare Glitches: Gov’t Contract For Troubled Site Has Swelled; GOP Targets Sebelius,” NBC News, 10/18/13)

Ann Kirkpatrick for Congress