Top House Democrat Steny Hoyer Admits He Was Lying Too
Democrat House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer admitted today that he and his party should have been “more precise” when they promised millions of Americans that if they liked their health care plan, they could keep it under #ObamaCare.
In September 2009, Hoyer told his concerned Maryland constituents “If you’ve got it, you like it, you keep it.”
Now that ObamaCare is in full meltdown and Americans across the country are realizing they were sold a bill of fake goods, Hoyer is changing his tune. “It was not precise enough (and) should have been caveated,” he said today.
Nice try, Hoyer. ObamaCare has many mounting problems, but its growing increasingly clear that the biggest “glitches” in Washington are House Democrats who routinely misled the American people in order to ram their health care law through Congress.
From BuzzFeed:
WASHINGTON — Minority Whip Steny Hoyer said Tuesday that Democrats and President Obama should have been “more precise” when they promised that if Americans liked their health care coverage they would be able to keep it under the Affordable Care Act.
Hundreds of thousands of Americans have received cancellation policies from their insurance companies since the start of the ACA, undermining the key promise Obama made in 2009 when he said, “If you like your healthcare plan, you’ll be able to keep your healthcare plan, period.” Many Democrats repeated that promise, including Hoyer, even after the law was passed.