Shea-Portercare even worse than Obamacare
The Obamacare rollout has been nothing short of disastrous – website snafus, low enrollment, and people losing their plans despite being promised otherwise. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.
When premiums rise, people see less take home pay, and full time employment continues to suffer, the outrage will reach a fever pitch.
But here’s the thing – if Carol Shea-Porter had her way, EVERYONE would be experiencing the full disaster of Obamacare. That is because Carol Shea-Porter thinks that government should be the ONLY health care option out there. Yes, you read that right. Shea-Porter thinks Obamacare does not do enough to involve government in health care and supports a single payer Canadian-style system.
It’s bad enough that the administration can’t handle Obamacare – just imagine if the administration had to handle Shea-Portercare. Scary.
NRCC Comment: “As bad as Obamacare has proven to be, Carol Shea-Porter wants to go even further to hand the reigns of people’s healthcare to the federal government. In Shea-Porter’s world of a single-payer Canadian-style government run health care system, everyone would lose their coverage and be forced into health insurance plans that people like Carol Shea-Porter deem appropriate.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior