Dems Get Anxious About 2014 As ObamaCare Still Fumbling

November 1, 2013

A month after the ObamaCare exchange opened and without any answers, Democrats are starting to get restless.

The New York Times’ Jonathan Weisman is out with a piece this morning detailing the utter failure of President Obama’s government takeover of healthcare and its effect on 2014. Many Democrats are trying desperately to distance themselves from the law, despite voicing their full-throated support for the law just weeks ago and even repeating the very same lies as President Obama.

Obama administration officials are in full panic mode—sending surrogate after surrogate to Capitol Hill to sell Democrats a bill of goods and assure them the law will eventually be somewhat functional.

“Senate Democratic leaders summoned the White House chief of staff, Denis R. McDonough, on Thursday along with the official most responsible for the troubled health insurance website, Marilyn Tavenner, and the person entrusted to fix it, Jeffrey D. Zients, for a closed-door venting session. That followed a meeting on Monday between Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and worried House Democratic freshmen in the office of Representative Steny H. Hoyer of Maryland, the No. 2 Democrat.”

Just a few weeks ago, DCCC Chairman Steve Israel was telling everyone who would listen that soon the days of Speaker Pelosi would be back and ready to rubberstamp the final two years of President Obama’s liberal legacy.

Now, with Obama and Israel’s law rapidly becoming a miserable failure, the esteemed chairman is nowhere to be found—except for the occasion huddle to corral special interest cash for more Democrats, like Nevada’s Erin Bilbray whose latest campaign message is to defame a Member of Congress (and U.S. Army reservist) as “un-American.”

Even the liberal leader in the House—Nancy Pelosi—has been forced to change her tune on the failed law.

Remember the good old days when she could say the law’s implementation was “fabulous” without any worry of reality?

Even she recently called the law’s rollout “unacceptable.”

While Democrats can try to act concerned and finally rail against a disastrous law, let’s not forget the truth. It’s because of them that the law’s here in the first place.

If you want to fix the “glitches,” you can start by firing them.