Apparently Felons Can Become ObamaCare Navigators

November 6, 2013

According to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, the federal government does not run criminal background checks before hiring ObamaCare “navigators,” the bureaucrats who are supposed to help guide consumers through the application process.

“Isn’t it true that there is no federal requirement for navigators to undergo a criminal background check, even though they will receive personal — sensitive personal — information from the individuals they help to sign-up for the Affordable Care Act?” Senator John Cornyn asked at today’s Senate hearing.

“That is true,” Sebelius responded.

“So a convicted felon could be a navigator and could acquire sensitive personal information from an individual unbeknownst to them?”

“That is possible,” said Sebelius.

Sebelius has done nothing to alleviate Americans concerns about their private financial and health information being exposed through

Watch the exchange: