Tim Bishop Might Want to Change HIS Website Too
As millions of Americans are finding out that they aren’t going to keep their health care plans, Democrats everywhere are running as fast as they can from Obamacare and President Obama’s broken promises.
Except for Tim Bishop that is. It looks like Bishop forgot to take down from his website the promise that he made to Long Islanders that “if you like your doctor, keep your doctor. If you like your current plan, keep your current plan.”
NRCC Comment: “Tim Bishop needs to explain why he broke his promise that Long Islanders would be able to keep their health care plan. Then again, between his failure to be straight with voters on Obamacare and the pending federal investigation into Bishop’s pay-to-play fireworks scheme, it probably doesn’t matter what he says – Tim Bishop has lost all credibility.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior