House Democrats’ Version of Leadership: Let’s Just Trust Obama (Again)
President Obama, sensing the coming collapse of ObamaCare and mounting anger from millions of Americans who have lost their health care plans despite his promise to the contrary, did what he does best this morning: he gave another eloquent promise.
For House Republicans, another administrative “fix” simply isn’t enough. A majority of Americans no longer trust the President, and House Republicans will continue to look to make sure that protection of Americans’ health care plans is legislatively codified into law, not just announced by another White House promise.
House Republicans are prepared to take action for a real solution. Meanwhile, House Democrats answer is just “trust Obama.”
Instead of taking concrete action to protect Americans from ObamaCare, it appears that House Democrats are going to – yet again – trust President Obama, and abandon their duty of leadership in exchange for walking in-step behind the White House and its failed agenda.
If “Trust That Obama Promise” is going to be the Democrats campaign slogan heading into 2014, the voters will realize that House Democrats truly lack ideas, let alone the ability to lead.