False Start for Bill Hughes Jr

December 12, 2013


Well this is certainly embarrassing for Bill Hughes Jr.

Today, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee unveiled the final list of its “Jumpstart” candidates that will receive “early financial communications, operational and strategic support” from the Committee.

Not on that list? You guessed it – Bill Hughes Jr. Apparently even the DCCC sees Hughes Jr. for what he is – a majorly flawed candidate that isn’t worth its time and money.

NRCC Comment: “It looks like the NRCC and the DCCC are able to agree on at least one thing – Bill Hughes Jr. is a fourth rate candidate who is going to spend the next eleven months wasting his time campaigning for a seat that he is not going to win. Fortunately for Hughes Jr. the world is full of criminals that he can continue to represent after his inevitable defeat next year.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior

Bill Hughes Jr. For Congress