Is Kathleen Sebelius on Joe Garcia’s X-Mas list?
One has to wonder if Kathleen Sebelius’ visit to Miami today is a welcomed early Christmas present for Congressman Joe Garcia or the equivalent to a lump of coal in his stocking!
The last few months have been a disaster for Joe Garcia and Washington Democrats with the botched rollout of the ACA website and with the news of millions of Americans losing their health care coverage thanks to the law – 300,000 in Florida alone.
This visit comes just one day after PolitiFact said President Obama’s “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it” is the LIE OF THE YEAR!
The freshman congressman, who has been battling his own scandals this year, must be nervous that the fumbling HHS Secretary is bringing her train wreck PR machine to town. Hopefully Garcia learned this year that not all press is good press.
Congressman Joe Garcia’s 2013 has been the year of scandal, controversy and failed promises to South Florida families. With HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius coming to town, now is a perfect time for Joe Garcia to explain to Floridians why he continues to support a law that’s forcing so many to lose their health care plans and pay more for coverage.
Kathleen Sebelius to visit Miami again as part of ongoing healthcare law fallout tour
Miami Herald
By PatriciaMazzei
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has notified local politicians that Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will drop by Miami on Friday to continue trying to smooth over the troubled federal healthcare law rollout, the Miami Herald has learned.
The visit would be Sebelius’ third in four months to promote the Affordable Care Act. Miami-Dade County has the highest number of uninsured residents in Florida, which in turn is the state with the second-highest number rate of uninsured residents in the nation.
Only about 3,500 people in Florida and about 106,000 across the country selected health plans using the federal online insurance exchange at in October, a far lower number than proponents of the legislation hoped for amid the website’s serious technological problems.
That rate more than quadrupled in November after some tech fixes had been made, HHS reported this week, with Florida leading in number of selected health plans out of the 36 states that rely on the federal insurance exchange. Sebelius is expected to tout those improvements Friday.
But it’s unclear how many of those are uninsured people signing up — as opposed to people with insurance simply switching over to a new plan.
Another potential problem for President Obama‘s administration: Hispanics, who are among the most likely demographic to be uninsured, are apparently not flocking to sign up. The Spanish-language version of — — was delayed because the site was not fully functional, and though it soft-launched over the weekend, the government still has to work on promoting it to users.