Undecided 2014 Voters Break Heavily AWAY From ObamaCare

January 9, 2014

A new poll out from TMC offers a worrying sign for Democrats hoping to sway undecided voters to their side in November.

According to the poll, 65% of undecided voters disapprove of ObamaCare. Just 24% approve of the President’s health care law.

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee likes to pretend that ObamaCare will be a positive for House Democrats in 2014, but reality is painting quite a different picture. The President’s approval rating, which sits at a low 41%, won’t come in to save vulnerable Democrats. They’re stuck with ObamaCare, and the voters are going to deliver their verdict in November.

From TownHall:

The perception that Obamacare stinks has calcified in the public’s imagination, and it’s tough to reverse those sort of sentiments, especially amidst powerful headwinds. Check out this graph:


Overall, a majority of likely voters disapprove of the Democrats’ law by a double-digit margin, but opposition is particularly strong among self-identified undecided and independent voters.