10 Tweets That Perfectly Illustrate Just How Damaging House Democrats’ Newest ObamaCare TV Ad Is
The liberal House Majority PAC released a new TV ad yesterday defending vulnerable Democrat Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (AZ-01). The Democrats tell us all the time how ObamaCare will be an asset in 2014 and that they plan to run on it, so we were a little surprised to see that their new TV ad actually bashes ObamaCare in an attempt to save Kirkpatrick!
The ad calls the ObamaCare website “disastrous,” and falsely claims that Kirkpatrick was a “whistle-blower” for how bad HealthCare.gov is. That’s not even remotely close to accurate – Kirkpatrick voted for ObamaCare, and has been one of the law’s biggest defenders in Congress. She has no real intention of saving Arizonans from the ObamaCare train wreck.
So are Democrats finally admitting ObamaCare is a failure? Here are 10 tweets that perfectly explain just how damaging this new TV ad will be.
Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D-AZ) calls #Obamacare rollout “stunning ineptitude” in new campaign ad. http://t.co/jaOysBfY3K
— Zach Hanover (@zhanover) January 16, 2014
New House Dem ad: Wow, that ObamaCare website stinks, huh? http://t.co/Y29b6rxmVM
— Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) January 16, 2014
@EdMorrissey PS: her line about ‘ineptitude’ was in release justifying her vote *AGAINST* ‘keep your plan bill’ http://t.co/U42BXD4d4N
— RJC National (@RJCHQ) January 16, 2014
@EdMorrissey paid for by a Dem-PAC for Kirkpatrick who voted in favor of @obamacare. Mindless.
— Phil Camuso (@philcamuso) January 16, 2014
New @HouseMajPAC ad in #AZ01 reveals their believe that Arizonans are compete idiots. @Ann_Kirkpatrick blew the whistle on ObamaCare? Please
— Daniel Scarpinato (@Scarpinato) January 16, 2014
House Majority PAC ad for endangered AZ Dem Ann Kirkpatrick is interesting. Brags she ‘blew whistle’ on ‘disastrous health care website…’
— Byron York (@ByronYork) January 16, 2014
House Majority PAC running ads on “disastrous” ObamaCare rollout. This is what @NancyPelosi meant when she said that they would run on it?
— Quentin Cantu (@QuentinCantu) January 16, 2014
AZ-01: Ann Kirkpatrick – “Listens”: http://t.co/72QCzYxqqt // Hard to tell, is this a support or attack ad? cc: @NRCC
— Tom Dougherty (@Tom1247) January 16, 2014
House Majority PAC ad for Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick (D, AZ) hits “the disastrous healthcare website” https://t.co/WB6MmYu3Ia
— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) January 16, 2014
So when Dems talk about “running on ObamaCare” they really mean bashing the law and hope ppl forget they voted for it http://t.co/9ckoVwqRSi
— Matt Gorman (@msgorman) January 16, 2014