The Percentage of Uninsured Americans Is The Same As When Obama Took Office

January 23, 2014

According to a new poll out from Gallup, the percentage of Americans who are uninsured is at the same level as it was when President Obama took office in January 2009. It’s also nearly identical to when ObamaCare was passed in March 2010.

Remember when Democrats insisted their health law was the only way to reduce the numbers of uninsured? We’ll chalk this up to another ObamaCare broken promise.

From Red State:

According to Gallup, which has been measuring the percentage of uninsured Americans monthly since 2008, the current rate of uninsured Americans is stuck at 16.1%

A quick look at the trends will show you that percentage is almost the same as what it was when President Obama took office in January 2009, and nearly identical to the rate of uninsured in March 2010, when the Democrats jammed ObamaCare through Congress on a strictly party line vote.

Oh the problematic irony. The Democrat Party, from President Obama on down, repeatedly lectured us that passing their big government healthcare law was the only way to reduce the number of uninsured.  With the enrollment deadline for ObamaCare rapidly approaching, its looking like that was another lie.