Opposition To ObamaCare Just Hit A Record High In This New Poll
It’s no surprise things haven’t been going well for President Obama and his signature health care law. Between thousands of Americans experiencing dropped coverage, sticker shock, and enrollment disasters, there hasn’t been a shred of good news for the law that is considered the hallmark of the Obama Presidency.
The latest blow is a Fox News poll that confirms opposition for President Obama’s health care law has hit a record high. Now 59 percent of registered voters oppose ObamaCare, an increase from 55 percent opposition a few months ago.
The poll reports that Democrats and Independents are abandoning their support for the Affordable Care Act, also in record numbers. Almost one third of Democrats and 64 percent of Independents now oppose the law.
According to the poll, among the most widely cited reasons for opposition include voters’ beliefs that ObamaCare will increase their taxes (63 percent), skyrocket their insurance costs (62 percent), contribute to an increase in the federal deficit (56 percent), and decrease their access to quality of care (39 percent).
So while party leaders insist Democrats will run on it in 2014, their constituents are no longer pledging support to the disastrous health care overhaul.
From Fox News:
A record high number of voters now oppose the 2010 Affordable Care Act and a record low number supports it, according to the latest Fox News poll…
The new poll finds 59 percent of voters oppose the health care law, up from 55 percent who opposed it six months ago (June 2013). The increase in opposition comes from both independents and Democrats…
Meanwhile, just one voter in five thinks Obamacare will increase the quality of their health care (19 percent). More than twice as many expect the quality of their care to get worse (39 percent) and another 37 percent think it will stay the same…
By a 44-36 percent margin, voters think the quality of health care for all Americans will decrease rather than increase as a result of the new law…