Congressman Aaron Schock Named Chairman Of 2014 NRCC March Dinner

January 28, 2014

WASHINGTON – The National Republican Congressional Committee announced today that Illinois Congressman Aaron Schock will be the Chairman of its 2014 March Dinner. Schock today presented NRCC Chairman Greg Walden with the first $1.1 million he has personally raised for the event and committed to raising an additional $1 million from individuals across the country by March 26th.

“Aaron Schock is a bright young leader, one of the hardest working Members in the House and committed to growing our majority,” said Chairman Greg Walden. “I can’t think of a more qualified person to head up this vital effort, and he has already hit the ground running. The stakes this November are high. Nancy Pelosi and her special interest friends will stop at nothing to regain complete liberal control of Washington. With Aaron’s leadership, we can help provide the resources to fight back.”

“There is nothing more important this election cycle than maintaining our House majority,” said Congressman Aaron Schock. “The Republican controlled House of Representatives is the last line of defense we have against the President’s big government policies which have limited individual freedoms and hurt job creation. The failed stimulus bill and disaster of a healthcare law are the result of total Democrat control here in Washington. We are still feeling the repercussions today and maintaining a Republican House is essential to ensuring it doesn’t happen again. Democrats are singularly focused on winning back the House. President Obama will once again serve as Fundraiser in Chief – agreeing to host at least 7 events himself for the DCCC. The March Dinner will kick off our fundraising efforts to raise the large amount of resources needed compete with the President and National Democrats. I am truly honored to be chairing this effort and working with all my House colleagues to keep our House majority and advance policies that keep America free and full of unlimited opportunities.”

Congressman Schock represents the 18th district of Illinois and was first elected to Congress in 2008 at the age of 27. He currently serves on the House Ways & Means and House Administration Committees.

The 2014 NRCC March Dinner will be held at the National Building Museum at 6pm on March 26th. The featured speaker is former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.