Tim Bishop is just mailing it in!
With Democrats heading for the hills in 2014 rather than toil in the minority, one can only wonder who might be next to call it quits. With the way Tim Bishop seems to be mailing it in (PUN INTENDED), he would seemingly be the top candidate for retirement.
After all, take a look at his fundraising numbers. Bishop raised a mere $278,011 in the fourth quarter of 2013 and has a total of $565,456 on hand. Not only did his opponent Lee Zeldin far outpace Bishop in the fourth quarter, but Bishop’s financial position now pales in comparison to his position two years ago when he entered the election year with close to $1.2 million cash on hand.
It also looks like Bishop isn’t even trying to appear to be honest anymore. On his Congressional website, Bishop is still peddling the Lie of the Year. Seriously. He still hasn’t taken it down. Check it out here!!!
There can only be one explanation for Bishop mailing it in without even trying to hide it – he’s on his way out.
NRCC Comment: “Tim Bishop’s year has been lowlighted by a damaging Ethics Report, a Department of Justice investigation, the release of embarrassing text messages showing his unfitness to serve, his doubling down on the 2013 Lie of the Year, and falling far behind in his fundraising efforts. If Tim Bishop isn’t strongly thinking about voluntary retirement, he should consider the inevitable November alternative – involuntary retirement.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior