When Asked About ObamaCare Minnesota Democrats Laugh And Look Around Sheepishly

February 20, 2014

Latest Democrat Defense Of ObamaCare:



Remember when Democrats and the DCCC rolled out that fancy new video touting ObamaCare?

Well, I see that lasted about a week…

Up in Minnesota, Reps. Collin Peterson and Tim Walz were at a forum with Sen. Amy Klobuchar when a constituent asked why ObamaCare wasn’t saving $2,500 a family as promised.

After a few uncomfortable seconds of nervous laughter and looking around sheepishly, Collin Peterson, in a real profile of courage, handed the microphone to Sen. Klobuchar.

Why can’t Peterson defend the law he voted to keep over and over?

Glad to see Democrats’ defense of ObamaCare has evolved past, “hey, look over there!”

NRCC COMMENT: “It’s puzzling why Democrats would find it funny when they’re finally called out on their broken promises. But I guess if I had to defend ObamaCare’s higher premiums and canceled plans every day until November, I would pass the microphone too.” – Matt Gorman, NRCC Spokesman