Even Steny Hoyer Thinks Kyrsten Sinema Can’t Run From ObamaCare

February 24, 2014

Last week, House Democrat Whip and Pelosi deputy Steny Hoyer went to Arizona to fundraise for Ann Kirkpatrick and Kyrsten Sinema.

In an interview with the Arizona Republic, Hoyer encouraged Democrats to run on ObamaCare this November:


“The Affordable Care Act is ours,” Hoyer said when asked what advice he’d give to potentially vulnerable House Democrats grappling with the issue in the midterm elections. “You’re not going to hide. You’re not going to duck. It is ours. We promoted it. We believe in it. Sell it. It is good for the country. It is good for Arizona.”


While Steny is wrong about the law being “good for Arizona,” we do agree that Democrats will not be able to hide from this law.

Ever notice since ObamaCare started going south, Congresswoman Kyrsten Sinema has stopped bragging about her role in crafting it?

Back in 2012, she took credit for the law and said she shaped it to fit Arizona’s needs.

Remember, she was picked by the White House to craft the bill, then traveled around the state campaigning for it. In the midst of all this, she repeated PolitiFact’s 2013 Lie of the Year.

Congresswoman Sinema cannot hide. She cannot duck. This law is hers.And this November, we’re going to hold her accountable for the higher premiums, canceled plans, and lost wages ObamaCare has wrought across Arizona.

NRCC COMMENT: “Try as she might, Kyrsten Sinema will not be able to hide from her role in crafting ObamaCare. As Arizonans struggle with canceled plans and higher premiums, they can point the finger squarely at Sinema.” – Matt Gorman, NRCC Spokesman