New Poll Confirms Majority of Americans – and Even a Quarter of Democrats – Are Disappointed With Obama’s Presidency

February 27, 2014

According to a new CBS poll, 59% of Americans say they are “disappointed” with President Obama’s presidency .

66% of Independents are disappointed in the president, and even a quarter of Democrats (24%) admit they are disappointed.

The reason behind the American people’s disappointment is clear. The President has all but given up on a pro-growth, jobs focused agenda, and has instead governed from the left while pandering to his base and promoting big government health care.

From CBS:

Amid continued pessimism about the economy and direction of the country, 59 percent of Americans say they are disappointed in Mr. Obama’s presidency (including 37 percent who are very disappointed); 40 percent are satisfied. Much of this discontent comes from Republicans and independents, but a quarter of Democrats express at least some disappointment. 

Disappointment with Barack Obama’s presidency has grown since the summer of 2012, and much of that rise has been among independents. Forty percent of independents say they are very disappointed today, up from 27 percent in August 2012.