This Democratic Congressional Candidate is Campaigning Like He’s Running for Dog Catcher
This quote pretty much says it all about the Democratic candidate in the 21st District of New York:
“Woolf had no comment when asked what issues are important to him in the North Country.”
This prompted a blistering article in the Watertown Daily Times which offered the following statement about a race that is clearly no going as planned for Democrats: “So this congressional race is almost certainly going to be decided on June 24, when Matthew A. Doheny and Elise M. Stefanik face off in the Republican primary. By then, the Democratic candidate will be so far behind in fundraising, campaigning and learning about the district that he can never hope to catch up.”
The bottom line here is that Aaron Woolf has been running for Congress for several weeks and still can’t talk about what issues are important? If Woolf can’t talk about a single issue important to voters in the 21st District maybe he should try running for a lower office, like dog catcher, before moving on to a Congressional race.
NRCC Comment: “It’s absolutely pathetic that Aaron Woolf has been running for Congress for weeks and still refuses to talk about the issues that are important to voters in the North Country. If this is the kind of candidate that Woolf is going to be, perhaps he should try running for an office like dog catcher before he seeks an office that requires open and honest dialogue of important issues.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior