Take A Long Look, Ann Kirkpatrick

March 12, 2014

Last Night’s Result Should Send A Message To The Arizona Democrat


WASHINGTON – Last night, a Republican defeated a top Democrat candidate and ObamaCare defender in a district that President Obama won twice. With election day just 8 months away, it should make Ann Kirkpatrick think twice.

Everyone knows that the decisive issue in this election will be ObamaCare. Ann Kirkpatrick will have to answer for her continued support of the failed law that is canceling plans, raising premiums, and cutting Medicare. If a top Democrat can be brought down in a district Obama won twice, what does that mean for Kirkpatrick?

“Ann Kirkpatrick ought to take a long look at last night’s election results,” said NRCC Communications Director Andrea Bozek. “If she insists on defending ObamaCare every day until November, she has a simple choice: leave or lose.”


FYI, a similar version of this release below went out to the following districts that are as Republican or more Republican than FL-13: Ron Barber (AZ-02), Kyrsten Sinema (AZ-09), Raul Ruiz (CA-36), Patrick Murphy (FL-18), Joe Garcia (FL-26), John Barrow (GA-12), Tim Walz (MN-01), Collin Peterson (MN-07), Rick Nolan (MN-08), Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01), Tim Bishop (NY-01), Pete Gallego (TX-23), and Nick Rahall (WV-03).


Ann Kirkpatrick Voted Against Repealing ObamaCare. (H.R. 45, Roll Call #154, 5/16/2013)

Last Night, Republican David Jolly Defeated Alex Sink In A Special Election That Focused On ObamaCare. “After months of railing against President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul, Republicans scored a key victory in a hard-fought congressional race that had been closely watched as a bellwether of midterm elections in November. Republican David Jolly defeated Democrat Alex Sink in a Florida special election Tuesday that largely turned on the federal health care law, with both sides using the race to audition national strategies in one of the country’s few competitive swing-voting districts.” (Michael J. Mishak and Tamara Lush, “Fla. House Race Could Be Warning For Democrats,” Associated Press, 3/12/14)

President Obama Won The District Twice And Alex Sink Carried It In 2010. “The race was seen as a tossup, though Mr. Obama carried the district twice and Ms. Sink took it in her failed 2010 gubernatorial bid against Republican Rick Scott.” (Seth McLaughlin, “2014 Preview: Republican Tops Democrat In Fla. Election On Jobs, Economy Message,” The Washington Times, 3/11/14)

ABC News’ Rick Klein: Democrats Know They Won’t Have “Candidates As Seasoned Or Well-Funded As Sink Everywhere.” “Democrats won’t have candidates as seasoned or well-funded as Alex Sink everywhere. And they know privately at least that they’re looking at a dismal 2014 if they can’t win districts like this one.” (Michael Falcone, “Waking Up From The Senate Slumber Party,” ABC News, 3/11/14)