Endangered Democrat in West Virginia Gets Love From Liberal Group
Did you see the new liberal website Primary Colors? It’s been highlighted by the Washington Post and provides a road map for liberal Democrats to challenge incumbent Democrats that aren’t extreme enough. It measures how liberal a Member is compared to their district and, based on that, rates the Member.
So for instance, Nick Rahall gets one of the higher “Progressive Value” scores – 16.9%. That is the third highest score that the website gives.
What does it mean? That of all the Democrats in the House, Nick Rahall is the third most out-of-touch liberal.
Seriously, that’s what it means. Which is why “Primary Colors” considers Nick Rahall a good Progressive Democrat.
Unfortunately for Nick Rahall, this is what makes him so bad for West Virginia.
NRCC Comment: “Nick Rahall’s increasingly out-of-touch voting record, including his vote for the extreme Progressive Budget, has gotten him one of the highest scores from a liberal organization. Unfortunately for Rahall, voting for a carbon tax, a coal miners’ pension tax, and Obamacare add up to a low score with the people who count – West Virginia families.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior