Endangered Democrat in West Virginia Gets Love From Liberal Group

March 13, 2014


Did you see the new liberal website Primary Colors? It’s been highlighted by the Washington Post and provides a road map for liberal Democrats to challenge incumbent Democrats that aren’t extreme enough. It measures how liberal a Member is compared to their district and, based on that, rates the Member.

So for instance, Nick Rahall gets one of the higher “Progressive Value” scores – 16.9%. That is the third highest score that the website gives.

What does it mean? That of all the Democrats in the House, Nick Rahall is the third most out-of-touch liberal.

Seriously, that’s what it means. Which is why “Primary Colors” considers Nick Rahall a good Progressive Democrat.

Unfortunately for Nick Rahall, this is what makes him so bad for West Virginia.

NRCC Comment: “Nick Rahall’s increasingly out-of-touch voting record, including his vote for the extreme Progressive Budget, has gotten him one of the highest scores from a liberal organization. Unfortunately for Rahall, voting for a carbon tax, a coal miners’ pension tax, and Obamacare add up to a low score with the people who count – West Virginia families.” – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior