5 Lies Sinking This Democrat’s Chances for Re-Election

March 20, 2014

Nick Rahall is one of the most endangered Democrat in Congress. He is sitting in an R+14 district won by Bush, McCain, and Romney. And he is facing off against a formidable candidate – Evan Jenkins – who has Rahall on the run. So what does Rahall do? He opens his Washington Democrat playbook and lies, lies and lies again.

We put together a helpful list of some of the more infamous Rahall lies of 2013-14.

Rahall Lie No. 1: “I didn’t vote for the carbon tax.” – Nick Rahall


Yes Nick, you did vote for the carbon tax. It was part of the Progressive Budget, which also includes a new tax on pension funds that would take money away from active and retired coal miners.

Rahall Lie No. 2: “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan.” – Nick Rahall


Nope, not true. You must have gotten that one from your good friend Barack Obama, but Politifact actually rated that as “Lie of the Year.”

Rahall Lie No. 3: “Nick Rahall is supported by the local chamber of commerce.” – House Majority PAC


That’s another whopper. Check out the President of the West Virginia Chamber of Commerce exposing that lie here.

Rahall Lie No. 4: “I probably voted with Bush more than Obama.” – Nick Rahall


Not even close, and Politifact took Rahall to task on this one rating the claim as FALSE.

Rahall Lie No. 5: “Evan Jenkins vowed to repeal black lung benefits.” – House Majority PAC

Black Lung

Not even close, according to Factcheck.org. In fact, not only does Evan Jenkins support keeping black lung protections in place, but in 1981 its was Nick Rahall that voted to weaken two miner-friendly eligibility rules for black lung benefits.