Chairman Greg Walden’s Statement on Curt Clawson Becoming the GOP Nominee for Florida’s 19th Congressional District

April 23, 2014

WASHINGTON –National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Greg Walden issued the following statement on Curt Clawson’s Republican nomination in Florida’s 19th Congressional District special primary election.

“Congratulations are in order for Curt Clawson on becoming the Republican nominee in Florida’s 19th Congressional District Special Primary Election tonight. Throughout his campaign, Curt has outlined his conservative principles on how he will stop ObamaCare from hurting Florida families, grow the economy and get Washington’s spending under control.

“Curt’s commonsense business skills will help him fight for Florida families and ensure a bright future for generations to come. Tonight, voters demonstrated they want a Republican leader who is going to help families and grow jobs. I look forward to working with Curt in Congress to make life better for families across America.”