$ean Eldridge Tells Another Reporter to Take a Hike

April 30, 2014


Check out the latest article from the Washington Blade focusing on $ean Eldridge’s scheme to buy a Congressional election. Of particular note is that, once again, Eldridge blew off a reporter.

According to the article: “Eldridge has refused the Washington Blade’s repeated requests for an interview about his congressional bid.”

That makes at least 4 reporters that Eldridge wouldn’t talk to. Here is the list:

-Jimmy Vielkind (then with the Albany Times Union): http://blog.timesunion.com/capitol/archives/191056/nrcc-delightfully-shares-the-story-of-sean-eldridge/

-Alex Isenstadt (Politico): http://www.politico.com/story/2014/04/on-the-ground-sean-eldridge-chris-gibson-new-york-2014-elections-105498.html

-Chris Johnson (Washington Blade): http://www.washingtonblade.com/2014/04/30/eldridge/

-Dylan Byers (Politico): http://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2013/08/ny-eldridge-for-congress-to-fundraise-at-park-ave-171363.html and http://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2013/09/ny-eldridge-silent-on-syria-stance-172126.html

Apparently Sean has yet to find that Communications Director, but my application is still outstanding so . . . fingers crossed.

NRCC Comment: “Sean Eldridge has spent the past year alienating voters in the 19th District as well as just about every reporter that wants to report on his campaign. Eldridge needs to stop acting like he is entitled to a spot in Congress because of his wealth and powerful liberal friends and start showing that his connection to the 19th District extends beyond his infinity pool. – NRCC Spokesman Ian Prior